May 1977
Project Big, big project
by Debbie
If you went to Project Big at Maine West, you took advantage of a great opportunity. If you did not go, you will have another chance next year.
As Mr. Reese, our Career Counselor explained, "Project Big provides assistance to students while allowing the schools to work closely with business and industry. It increases the understanding between business, industry and the schools. "Project Big gives an excellent opportunity for students to investigate future careers. There are over 200 representatives from 180 fields that participate in Project Big. Their purpose is to give information and literature about their specific fields.
The success of Project Big is indicated by the responses of several Maine South students who attended it. Karin '78 [said] ...the best aspect of Project Big was that it had a variety of careers to investigate. Margaret '79 commented that she found "The Path" the most interesting. "The Path" was a computer which was fed data on any student who wished to know what occupation would possibly suit him. ....
Not only did students enjoy Project Big, but parents did also. Many parents came, which indicated a great interest. Mr. Reese said that the turnout was good. "About 3000-4000 people came although I would like to see even more Maine South students come next year."
As Mr. Reese said, "The success of Project Big is not valued by the number of students that attended, but rather that come to the CRC with questions about new career ideas discovered at Project Big." That's what Project Big is all about.