Update your Maine South Alumni Profile

For Updating/submitting Maine South Alumni contact info

STAFF member data is contained in the Maine East database. 

Do NOT use this form if you graduated from Maine East, OR are adding/updating a STAFF member.....instead, click here: Maine East Update Form

Do NOT use this form for any type of Reunion registration.

Do NOT use this form to report members who are deceased. Instead, send us a message E-mail Contact the webmaster
with the details or a copy of the obiturary.....

If you attended Maine South but did not graduate, you are still an Alum. List the graduation year as the year you would have graduated and make a note in the Comments section as to the years you attended MS..

NOTE: YOU choose what information, if any, is seen by someone doing a search. You can set your profile to show your NAME only OR E-Mail only or a combo of some or all information.

Things we do with the information:

Release the info to the class reunion comittee.

Things We DO NOT do with your information:

Give out the info to anyone inquiring about you. (except for what you allow to be posted) If someone is looking for you and wants to contact. They must ask us, then we will contact you and give you the inquirers contact info.....

We will never release your birthdate to anyone. We use that as a security check to verify the updates we receive are actually from you. That is why we require a birthdate on any updates submitted.

NOTE: Do NOT use quotation marks (") otherwise you will get a 'couldn't execute query' error.


First Name:*

Last Name:*

Married Name:

Spouse First Name:


Address Line 2/Apt:



Zip/Postal Code:




*  Required Information

Class Year:*

Home Telephone:

Work Telephone:





College attended:

Year Graduated:

Degree attained:

Birthday (MM/DD/YY):

Web Site URL:

Display options:

Comments to post on-line:
( This will be displayed online.)

Military Service History:

Notes to the webmaster:
( Will NOT be displayed online.)

Update may take 2-3 days to appear....


Return to Home Page


When you submit an E-mail address or any other information, it  WILL NOT be listed on the web site (Except your name) UNLESS you specify a different display by checking the appropriate box above.  

If you are only updating one or two items, you may just send me a message outlining the changes, but include your birthday for verification.
Otherwise a new form is required to be completely filled out. Include all info, new and old, otherwise the non-updated info will be replaced with blanks.

PHOTOS you wish posted, may be uploaded to the webmaster via the contact form. Please send in jpg format....

PLEASE NOTE: It may take us anywhere from a day to a week to get the info on line. (At the present time)


When done, press SUBMIT to send your information in by e-mail   --    To print, use your browser's PRINT button

Alumni Manager is © 2017 Richard Paul. All rights reserved.