May 1968

Culottes create controversy

    With the arrival of spring some members of Student Council again decided to attempt to alter Maine South's dress code. They felt that a student body should be entitled to play a more responsible part in determining its own rules. Having conquered blue jeans, Student Council decided to tackle culottes.
    Forming a committee to deal with the question, Student Council thoroughly investigated the culotte controversy and met with the administration to present the students' views and the reasons why they felt girls should be allowed to wear this type of dress.
    Some of the arguments the committee brought forth were that culottes were more ladylike than short skirts and dresses and that the girls at Maine West were allowed the privilege of wearing culottes to school.
    Evidently the students on the Culotte Committee were convincing; the administration has decided to allow girls to wear culottes to school on Friday on a trial basis.
    Southwords rejoices in the fact that the administration is allowing the student government to play a more important role in determining the student dress code.
    Although we feel that the seemingly resolved culotte question is minor, Southwords realizes that the administration is willing to respond favorably to student opinion when this opinion has gone through the proper channels.
    We hope that students will recognize their responsibility by following the rules established by the Culotte Committee and will not abuse their new privilege.